Divorce mediation advice engages a paid mediator to work with both marriage partners together or separately to equitably resolve all outstanding issues for the divorce from the division of marital assets, child support, alimony, visitation, custody, etc. Divorce mediation often adds the necessary setting for couples to resolve their issues, preventing a timely and vicious divorce.
Reason #1 – Civility
The day will come when the heartache, acrimony, and outright hatred some people experience in divorce will pass. Most divorcees look back on the experience with regrets over how they behaved; it’s simply human to succumb to negative feelings during this time. The opportunity to go through a divorce with minimal regrets will be well worth it for you in the long run, especially if children are involved in the marriage. Getting mediation advice provides a clear unbiased person to conduct the negotiation. Opting for divorce mediation advice will likely end up being one of the best decisions a person makes during the entire divorce.
Reason #2 – Money
It’s been proven that divorces resolved by the advice of a divorce mediator cost substantially less than those which go to trial. On average, attorney’s fees can run between $10,000 and $15,000 and devastate you financially. Spending $700 – $1,500 on mediation advice can result in substantial savings.
Reason #3 – Child Support
Court ordered child support goes into arrears at a rate of 50% within one year of the divorce. However, child support agreed upon through divorce mediation goes into arrears at a rate of 15% after one year. That fact alone can reduce some of the long-term acrimonies, making mediation advice all the more valuable.
Reason #4 – Confidentiality
Nothing said by either party is admissible in court should the divorce go to trial. While civility and mutual respect are fostered in the meeting, couples may discuss their concerns freely during divorce mediation advice and have those comments shielded from the other party in court.
Reason #5 – You’re in Charge
The only guaranteed winners in a divorce are the attorneys as they get paid whether you win, lose, or draw. However, using divorce mediation gives the parties involved a stronger voice in the outcome and greater closure that comes from both parties having had a voice in the dissolution of the marriage.
Divorce Mediation Advice Conclusion
Divorce is seldom an easy matter. The emotions over a failed marriage and stress over uncertainty brings out the worst in people. The tug-of-war over assets can immediately take a retaliatory position and before long the relationship battle becomes a war. Engaging in divorce mediation advice can help you avert that and actually has a good track record of success.