You may think you’re stumbling at the finish line, but this is actually a common occurrence for people going through a divorce while they have a child in college. The paperwork can be a real nightmare too, but these tips are designed to help you navigate some of the pitfalls associated with financial aid and divorce. The love and value you place in your children and their education just because you had or are currently going through a divorce. You want them to succeed and you want the best for them. Here are some tips when filing for financial aid if you have been or are currently going through a divorce.
Tips for College Financial Aid and Divorce
- Be as vague as you can with certain pieces of information. You definitely don’t want or need to overshare on somethings. When offering information about your income, for example, there are options to list everyone in your household, including the student. This might harm you in the end. It’s best to simply focus on the parent that holds custody over the student in question. This way, you’re giving an accurate assessment, when otherwise it would have looked like you have more money than you realistically do.
- Some schools offer financial aid packages that only take the custodial parent’s information into consideration, which can be a plus. If your child is just about to start college and hasn’t chosen one yet, you are in the optimal position. Take the time to thoroughly research the school’s policies and find the one that will best serve your child’s needs. This is especially useful if you find that you don’t qualify for a student loan.
- Working together with your ex-spouse is the most important factor if College Financial Aid and Divorce. You need to develop a way to talk with them about something so important. It’s difficult to force a spouse to pay their share for your child’s tuition, but if you take the time and patience to talk to them in a civil manner, you may be able to find a way to support your young student in the most efficient way possible. You don’t want to let your emotions guide you in this situation because it could leave your child in complete disarray.
The general rule of thumb you want to go by is using the information of the custodial parent only when applying for financial aid. There are other factors that influence the aid you receive, such as household income and the school you end up going with. However, focusing on all these elements will help make sure your child get the help they need in school.