What to Avoid When Going through a Divorce

There are quite a number of mistakes you can make while waiting for your divorce proceedings. These common mistakes could drastically affect your future and sometimes people don’t stop to consider the consequences of their actions when they’re facing a serious separation of property, family, and debt. There are also things that simply slip a…


Divorce after 50 for Women

Since 2010, conducted surveys suggest that roughly 1 in 4 divorces are between couples over 50. What does this mean for women? Well, divorce at this age gets a little more complex. You likely have a lot more assets to divide than younger couples, not to mention pension and retirement accounts. Women, in particular, need…


Divorce Advice: Things to Consider While Going through Divorce

If you’re going through a divorce, you’re probably wondering what’s in store. There are many common misconceptions floating around television and gossip columns that portray divorce as this vicious battle between two extremely petty parties. This can be the case depending on the people involved but it doesn’t have to play out like a battle…


Children and Divorce

No one truly wins in a divorce and more often than not, children are the ones that suffer the most. It’s been proven that divorce has adverse psychological effects on children depending on their age and their relationship. The most significant impact on a child is how you manage your relationships after the divorce. Some…


Paying Alimony to Your Ex-Husband

Women have come a long way over the past century, making strides for equality more and more each year. A new phenomenon has recently occurred over the past few years of men being allotted alimony from women. Studies suggest that women have become the larger or primary income in nearly 40% of households in the…